midlife on earth February round up
midlife,  Monthly Round-Up

February Round-Up

While February brought its usual mix of freezing temperatures, wind and rain, month one of Midlife On Earth has been an absolute belter. Here’s what we covered:

We watched the Brits and felt very old indeed.

We fell in love with an air fryer.

We wondered what on earth was going on when President Biden started shooting down balloons.

We wasted hours trying to renew car insurance.

We battled our way through half term.

We remembered to thank a volunteer on Random Acts of Kindness Day.

We were shocked to find that, according to Puffin, August Gloop is no longer fat.

We found ourselves stood outside in our pyjamas at 4am after our carbon monoxide alarm went off.

We mixed up some batter, dusted off the frying pan and threw pancakes around the kitchen, in a uniquely British way.

We popped to the supermarket for a spot of cucumber panic buying.

We sat down to watch a bit of 4K TV, only to discover that the incredible picture might actually be one of the worst things ever to happen to home entertainment.

We got excited about the start of the new Formula One season, but we also reflected on the the sorry state of the sport in the wake of its governing body’s decision to potentially ban free speech.

And to top the month off, we stood in the cold looking pointlessly into space.

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