March 2023 round up
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March Round-Up

Despite welcoming in Spring and switching to British Summer Time, March brought a dumping of snow to the UK. However, we braved the weather, stuck on our thermals and covered everything from age-less celebrities to puking children, via artificial intelligence and some wonky shelves.

In case you missed any of it, here’s what we got up to:

We kicked the month off by contemplating why teenagers now seem to be presenting the news.

We debated how to encourage children away from gaming and towards books.

We found that compromise is essential if you want to book a holiday without the stress.

We universally agreed that we’d had enough of the cold weather.

We recalled all those unfortunate children who we remember from school for all the wrong reasons.

We went for a run in the rain.

We puzzled over why children insist on using text talk abbreviations in real life, as well as online.

We were amazed and horrified in equal measure at the potential of artificial intelligence and GPT-4.

We went on the school run looking an absolute mess.

We admitted to our own DIY failures and contemplated why anyone would bother.

We recalled a few moments of parenting happiness.

And we tried to figure out why we keep getting injured in our sleep?

What do you think?

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